How to Make Snowflakes Out of Paper

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Things You'll Need

  • Paper

  • Scissors

  • Glitter

  • Glue

A sure sign that winter is around the corner is when children start making paper snowflakes. They are a perfect way to spruce up a room for wintertime festivities. Also used for decorations on gifts and Christmas trees, paper snowflakes can be made out of a variety of papers to match any style imaginable. This very easy craft will keep kids busy for hours, cutting enough paper snowflakes to make a blizzard.


Step 1

Fold the paper diagonally at least three times, or as many times as it will fold, making a smaller and smaller triangle each time.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Hold the pointy part of the paper which will not be cut.

Step 3

Cut out shapes on the three sides of the triangle.

Step 4

Experiment by cutting triangles, circles, leaf shapes and half hearts. Whatever shapes you cut out will result in a double-wide, equal mirrored shape when you unfold the snowflake.

Step 5

Slowly unfold the snowflake, making sure to not rip any thin pieces of paper.


Glue and glitter the final snowflake for a more sparkly appearance.

Experiment with cutting shapes out of the point, which is the center of the snowflake.

Templates for ornate snowflakes are readily available.


Video of the Day

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