Overview of Noise as a Mouse Repellent

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There are a number of reasons why ultrasonic repellents affect mice.

There are many ways to deal with a mouse infestation, including using a machine or device that emits a rodent repellent sound. These devices work by hitting a mouse repellent sound frequency, and you can use them can remove the mice from your home. Many people prefer handling rodents this way because it is more humane.


Mouse Repellent Noise

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The use of sound to repel pests of all kinds has grown in popularity over recent years. Homeowners purchase a small, relatively inexpensive device (usually electronic) that either plugs in or uses battery power. This device emits a very high-frequency sonic or ultrasonic sound that is out of the range of human hearing but irritating to rodents or other critters.


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Because they find this noise unpleasant, mice won't come near it and certainly won't nest somewhere with such a lack of comfort. It's the same reason many people wouldn't want to live next to a major highway or above a nightclub. The constant noise is too irritating to relax and rest and may cause anxiety and a spike in stress hormones.


How to Use Noise to Scare Away Mice

First, you have to choose a noise mouse deterrent device. You can get these online, but you can also visit a hardware store and talk with someone knowledgeable about pest control. See what works best in your area and what other customers have liked. Once you've purchased it, read the manufacturer's instructions. There may be specific directions about how and where to place the device. For example, you don't want to put it behind a large piece of furniture or near other objects that might block the noise.


Using the manufacturer's instructions, choose where to plug it in. You want it to be close to your area of concern. These machines are more effective when they are closer to the mice. If the rodents can access what they want with just a faint noise, they will. Once you install the machine, be diligent. Check the area frequently for evidence of further rodent activity and take more drastic action if it's there. You should also periodically test the device to make sure it still works.


More About Noise Mouse Deterrents

These noise-based mouse deterrent devices work particularly well if food and water are available elsewhere, such as outside or in a neighbor's home. Rodents will do what they can to stay away from the noise. However, you should remember that the range of these devices is somewhat small. It's best to use the devices around entrances, as it only covers about 20 or 30 feet.


Humans cannot hear the sound, as it is out of our range of hearing, and cats and dogs shouldn't be able to hear it either. If you notice your pet behaving strangely, though, you might want to reconsider using the device.

Many experts don't recommend using noise repellent for an existing infestation, especially by itself. You can use the noise repellent in combination with other things, though. It might work if you have just noticed slight evidence of mice, but you probably need something more potent if the mice have already established a nest in or around your home. Also, and somewhat unfortunately, some evidence does suggest that rodents can grow accustomed and therefore immune to the sound of the rodent noise repellent. This acclimation usually happens in places where the population is enormous or there isn't a lot of access to food and water.

