Facts About Pear Trees

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Pear trees are a favorite with backyard gardeners because they are one of the easiest fruit trees to grow. Requiring only a minimum of basic care, these trees can produce delicious fruit for years. Normally, pear trees are not susceptible to insect problems or disease, which gives them their hardy reputation. Some additional facts about pear trees will demonstrate the popularity they have held for thousands of years.



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Pear trees start from seeds. The process is slow, taking several years to get from seedling to a small tree that can be transplanted in the soil.

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Bearing Fruit

It takes at least 4 years for a pear tree to reach maturity and start producing fruit.



For the overall health of the tree and for a sizable crop of fruit, pruning mature pear trees is highly recommended. This process should be done annually in the early part of spring before new growth appears.


Growing Conditions

Slightly acidic soil that is well drained is the best place to position these trees. They do especially well in the cool temperatures but can also thrive in full sun, giving testament to their versatility.


Types of Trees

The particular type of pear tree is also a factor in the environment in which they do best. It's best to research the ideal growing conditions for each variety.

Health Benefits

Pears not only taste delicious, they are also part of a healthy diet. Containing high levels of vitamins A and C, as well as a significant level of copper and potassium, the pear can add important nutrients to the daily diet.
