How to Crochet Scrubbies From Tulle

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Tulle is useful for more than wedding veils.
Image Credit: Chiociolla/iStock/Getty Images

Stuck-on food at cleanup time can quickly take the shine off a wonderful meal. Steel-wool pads can scratch your cookware, wreck your nails and form rust in between uses, but a dishcloth may not be abrasive enough to get those last crusty bits. Tulle scrubbies are scratchy enough for a thorough cleansing while still being gentle enough to protect pots and pans. They are simple enough for even the novice crocheter to make.


Prepare Your Supplies

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Gather Your Supplies:

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  • 4 yards of tulle, cut into 2-inch strips
  • J-sized hook (#10 or 6.00 mm)
  • Scissors

Hint: Instead of tulle yardage, you can use a spool of 4-inch-wide tulle ribbon cut in half. Tie the strips together and roll them to make a ball.

Start Your Project

Begin by twisting a length of the tulle to make it like a fat length of yarn. You'll continue to twist as you work. Form a slip knot by wrapping the end around your finger and then pulling a loop through that circle with your hook. Make five chain stitches; close the circle with a slip stitch.


Crochet Your Scrubby

First, make two single-crochet stitches in each of the original chain stitches, so that you have 10 stitches around the circle. Make two chain stitches and turn the circle.

Choose the rest of the pattern:


Option 1: Make two single-crochet stitches around the circle. When you reach the beginning, begin the next round by making one single-crochet stitch in the first stitch of the previous row, then two single-crochet stitches in the next stitch of the row before. Continue the pattern around until the scrubby is as large as you want it.


Option 2: Make a single-crochet stitch in the first of the 10 single-crochet stitches you just made. In the next stitch, make a double-crochet stitch. Repeat this pattern around to where you started, ending with a single-crochet stitch. Chain one, turn the scrubby, and repeat the last row until you reach the desired size.


Finish both patterns by clipping the tulle and pulling the end through the loop on your hook and remove the hook. Weave the ends into the other stitches.

Use Your Scrubber

Run a little water over the scrubby and squirt a small amount of dishwashing soap on the tulle. You won't need a lot of soap, as the tulle will help it foam up. Rub the scrubby across the dish you're cleaning, adding a little extra pressure for tough spots. Rinse the scrubby thoroughly and hang it where the air will flow around it as it dries. This will help prevent mold or unpleasant odors.

These scrubbies also work well in the shower for exfoliating dead skin and the day's collected dust and oils.


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