With their minimal aesthetic, these faux antlers are a clean and on-trend decorative item that will work in any room and with any decor. Made from wire and clay, they are also an animal-friendly alternative, too! You can enjoy the look of the horn made to fit any size for any space you have.

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Things You'll Need
Aluminum wire
Wire cutters
Air dry clay
Strong wall fixers
Fine grit sand paper

Step 1
Aluminum wire is light and really easy to shape. You can use your hands to create an antler shape with several horns coming off it simply using your fingers.
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Step 2
Once one side is shaped, use it as a guide for making the other side.

Step 3
Wrap the two ends together and cut off the excess.

Step 4
Begin to press pieces of clay onto both sides of the frame. Build it up to cover all of the wire.

Step 5
Once the frame is completely covered, smooth the clay using water and your fingers. Try to smooth out any cracks and creases. Make sure there is a flat surface at the back of the antler around the middle to make it easier to hang later.

Step 6
Leave to dry and harden for at least 48 hours. When the clay has gone from light grey to white all over, it's ready. Sand out any imperfections with fine grit sand paper.

Apply strong sticky fixers to the flat area on the back of the antlers and press onto the wall.