Being voted the class president or historian of your high school senior class can come with some big responsibilities, with one of the largest being planning all future class reunions. Don't despair -- with ample planning and a team of classmates, your gathering can be a well-organized event full of reminiscing and revelry. Decide what significant reunion years you would like to celebrate -- 10, 20, 25, 30, 40 or 50 -- by asking your classmates how often they would like to celebrate. Start your planning up to 18 to 24 months in advance of your celebration for a successful event.
Step 1
Form a committee of classmates willing to help with the planning of the event. Ask people who were involved in school clubs and student government. Use social media and the school website to reach out to former students.
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Step 2
Set up a reunion groups on social media and reunion websites for your specific class and event. This allows classmates to sign up for updates for the reunion. Contact the school for a list of all classmates so you can keep up with whom you are missing from your class.
Step 3
Select a date for the reunion. Take into consideration events such as holidays, college football games and local festivals. Decide if your event is going to take place in one day or over a weekend. Some classes prefer to meet at the high school football game on a Friday evening to tailgate and cheer on the team, and then have a reunion party on Saturday night.
Step 4
Scout local venues for your event; options include restaurants, hotels and banquet halls. Reunions are typically not held at the high school itself. Have committee members gather information on each facility, how many people it will hold, details of catering and entertainment, cost and availability. Vote on a venue and reserve for your event.
Step 5
Research and hire event vendors. Select a DJ or a band, caterer and a photographer.
Step 6
Calculate all costs and set a per person ticket price; do not forget taxes, fees and gratuities in your final number. Set up ticket sales online through a ticket vendor.
Step 7
Post event information, ticket prices and a link to purchase on class website and social media pages. Advertise in the local newspaper. Send a mass email to all classmates. Notify the school of your plans so they can direct anyone who calls to the ticket site.
Step 8
Pay deposits to all vendors at least six months prior to the event. Confirm all reservations with the vendors and select the menu with the caterer.
Step 9
Continue to advertise the event online and through emails to classmates. Update the group on any changes or additions every couple of weeks.
Step 10
Finalize payments and details with all vendors and venues a month prior to the event.
Step 11
Meet with the committee to finalize who will be performing specific duties during the set up and tear down of the event. The day of the event, arrive early to perform those duties.
You may want to choose a theme for your reunion; for example, some classes recreate their senior prom.
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