How to Plan a Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony

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Things You'll Need

  • Ribbons

  • Invitations

  • Scissors

  • Caterers

  • Paper Goods

  • Folding Chairs

How to Plan a Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony. A grand opening is made more special with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. With just a bit of planning, you can successfully pull off this celebratory event.

Step 1

Check with the project's key participants before you set a date for the grand opening. You will want them all to attend.


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Step 2

Designate a master of ceremonies.

Step 3

Draw up a list of invitees.

Step 4

Compile a list of media organizations (newspapers, radio and television stations) that can publicize the event. Contact each group and fill out the necessary forms.


Step 5

Print posters or flyers and place them in prominent positions around town: in schools, grocery stores, post offices and other places with foot traffic. Target the audience that will be using the new facility.

Step 6

Design an invitation, which should include the name of the event, date and time, location, and name of the ribbon cutter and any other distinguished guests. Also include R.S.V.P. information.


Step 7

Set up a program of the event schedule: welcome and introductions, speeches, ribbon-cutting, recognition of contributors and closing.

Step 8

Mail out the invitations and keep track of the R.S.V.P. replies.


Step 9

Buy or rent a very large pair of scissors, typically about 3 feet long. Party rental stores often carry them.

Step 10

Purchase an appropriate ribbon for the ceremony. If you're having more than one ribbon cutter, layer several ribbons and have the cutters hand off the scissors until all the ribbons are cut.

Step 11

Arrange for seating for everyone in attendance.


Find a way to thank everyone who worked hard to bring the project to fruition. Consider holding a post-event reception. You'll need to hire a caterer, or you can check with restaurants, bakeries or grocery stores that may be willing to donate food and beverages in exchange for press coverage. A local musical group might also be willing to donate its talent in exchange for press coverage.


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