How to Wear 9/11 Commemorative Ribbons

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Wear 9/11 Commemorative Ribbons

How to Wear 9/11 Commemorative Ribbons. 9/11 commemorative ribbons, also known as "loyalty ribbons," first appeared a few days after the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 as a way to not only express grief over the tragic events, but also to show solidarity and support for the United States. Wearing a 9/11 commemorative ribbon with its vibrant red, white and blue motif is an excellent way to show your patriotism.


Step 1

Make your own 9/11 commemorative ribbon using your own design or a variation on existing ribbons. Experiment by making your design out of separate red, white and blue ribbons to give it a layered effect or add decorative pins to give it a more personalized look.

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Step 2

Vary the coloring of the ribbon you wear to symbolize different aspects of commemorating 9/11. For instance, some people wear purple ribbons to remember 9/11 because it combines the strength of red and the tranquility of blue and also because it reminds people of The Purple Heart military commendation.


Step 3

Consider making and selling your ribbons if you come up with a particularly striking design that others respond to favorably and then donate the proceeds to your favorite 9/11 charity.

Step 4

Purchase your commemorative ribbons from a one of a variety of sources, including department stores, art and crafts supplies and even online websites specializing in patriotic merchandise. Online auction sites may be a particularly good source since there is a great deal of trading activity for patriotic merchandise such as pins, coins, stamps and photos.


Step 5

Choose to wear a commemorative ribbon that varies from the original designs in order to combine more than one message about your patriotism. For instance, you can add a small cross or Star of David pin to your ribbon to express your religious beliefs or you can add a symbolic icon such as the American Flag, the Statue of Liberty, the Twin Towers, a bald eagle or the Pentagon.


Step 6

Consider commemorating a specific aspect of 9/11. One particular design features the number "93" to honor the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania.


If you are going to purchase pins or ribbons from a retailer, try to buy them from a source that contributes at least part of the proceeds to charities related to 9/11.

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