How to Make a Quilt From Sheets

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Things You'll Need

  • 2 flat sheets

  • Quilt batting

  • Thread

  • Yarn or embroidery floss

  • Sewing machine

  • Quilting pins

  • Quilting frames

  • Sewing scissors

How to Make a Quilt From Sheets. Make sheet quilts guarantee that you will always have a quilt to match your favorite bedding. These quilts are a great project for beginning sewers and quilters. They are inexpensive and easy to make.

Step 1

Buy 2 flat sheets of the same size. Wash and dry them.


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Step 2

Iron the sheets. Use sewing scissors to cut off the top parts of both sheets.

Step 3

Lay one sheet, face down, on the floor. Lay quilt batting flat on the sheet, leaving a half-inch border around the entire quilt.

Step 4

Lay the second sheet, face up, on top of the batting. Pin the sheets to the batting, in several places, using quilting pins.

Step 5

Attach the quilt to a quilting frame. Use yarn or embroidery thread to tie the quilt. Make a tie every four to six inches, covering the entire quilt.


Step 6

Remove the quilt from the frame. Trim any excess batting and uneven edges.

Step 7

Pin blanket binding around the entire edge of the quilt. Sew the binding on using a sewing machine or stitch by hand. Trim all loose threads.


"Airplane" the yarn or embroidery floss to make tying the quilt quicker. Use one flannel sheet and one poly cotton sheet. Double tie the knots.


Don't forget to remove all of the pins.


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