Things You'll Need
Styrofoam disposable plates or a flat pan
Rock or other slightly heavy object
Paper towels

Autumn leaves provide us with a bounty of breathtaking colors during the fall months. You can preserve these beautiful colors by using a glycerin solution. This will effectively preserve the beautiful colors of the autumn leaves, yet it will leave them flexible and pliant so that you can use these warm colors in autumn crafts. Glycerin is used in many commercial beauty products and is an effective moisturizer for your skin. You can find glycerin at most discount, health food or drugstores.
Step 1
Mix a solution of one part glycerin and two parts water, according to the Home Science Tools website. Make about a cup of the solution, just enough to be able to cover the leaves.
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Step 2
Pour the mixture into a flat pan or a Styrofoam disposable plate. Place the leaves into the solution.
Step 3
Position a weight on top of the leaves. If you are using a Styrofoam plate, it is a good idea to place a second Styrofoam plate over the leaves, and then you can place a rock or something else with a little weight to it on top of the second Styrofoam plate.
Step 4
Keep the leaves in the solution for up to six days. Remove the leaves and dry them with a paper towel. They should be pliable and ready to use in your crafts or for other decorations.
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