How to Make a Homemade Volcano for Your Science Project

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Things You'll Need

  • Sandbox

  • Spray bottle

  • 1 tablespoon baking soda

  • Red food coloring

  • Vinegar

  • Accessories (fake trees, bushes, rocks)

  • Plastic cup

How to Make a Homemade Volcano
Image Credit: Dan DiSorbo/Demand Media

Volcanoes exist all over the planet, and eruptions are a common occurrence in nature. Volcanoes come in many forms, including lava domes, submarine and subglacial. Because volcanoes fascinate children and adults, they are popular subjects for science projects. You can produce a model volcano with only a few materials. So take a Saturday morning to amaze your children by creating such a special effect.


Step 1

Step 1
Image Credit: Dan DiSorbo/Demand Media

Sculpt your volcano out of the sand. You can use a pile of sand and a flat board, or a sandbox. Take special care to hollow out the inside of the volcano so that you can place the plastic cup inside. The easiest way to hold things in place is to use a spray bottle of water. Take the time to carve ridges or ditches into the volcano so the lava will have a place to flow.

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Step 2

Step 2
Image Credit: Dan DiSorbo/Demand Media

Add the baking soda to the cup, being careful to not disturb the structure. At this point add 3 or 4 drops of red food coloring to create the look of the lava.


Step 3

Step 3
Image Credit: Dan DiSorbo/Demand Media

Add in a quarter cup of vinegar to the mix when you are ready for the volcano to erupt.


If sand is unavailable, you can use plaster, clay or even dirt.


Do not erupt your volcano in the house. It can get out of control.

Do not overdo the ingredients unless you want a huge mess.

Take special care to monitor your children while doing this project.


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