How To Remove Tree Stakes
Things Needed
- Measuring tape
- Hammer
When creating a beautiful wooded landscape, younger trees generally require stakes to keep them supported until they reach a height where they can safely stand on their own without being broken and damaged by wind and other effects of nature. As trees grow, removal of the surrounding tree stakes is required for the tree to be able to spread out and grow properly. Removing tree stakes can be done easily with a few tools.
Step 1
Measure the tree(s) using a measuring tape. If the tree has exceeded a height of at least 6 feet, or a circumference greater then 2 inches, then the tree stakes can be removed.
Step 2
Remove the string or material that attaches the trees trunk to the tree stake.
Step 3
Use a hammer to remove each tree stake. Hit the stake on each side, causing the stake to move in a back-and-forth motion. After a few hits with the hammer the stake should be loose enough to pull from the ground.
- When creating a beautiful wooded landscape, younger trees generally require stakes to keep them supported until they reach a height where they can safely stand on their own without being broken and damaged by wind and other effects of nature.
- As trees grow, removal of the surrounding tree stakes is required for the tree to be able to spread out and grow properly.
Step 4
Lift the tree stake from its hole and fill in the hole using loose soil.