Things You'll Need
Vinyl Record Album 33 LP
Cover of record album
Wood 4-inches-by-4-inches-by-12-inches long
Clear Vinyl Half Yard
Clear tubing (Aquarium type)
Grommetts 4 to connect tubing for handle and 30 smaller to secure album covers
Feathers, glitter, beads

Vinyl record album purses are the newest craft that teens want to make and carry. If you do not happen to have any old 33 LPs lying around your home, they are inexpensive at garage sales and flea markets. Be the first at your school to carry one of these fashionable vinyl record purses.
Step 1

Choose one vinyl record album that you like enough to carry it around for the next few months. The album cover should be in fairly good condition since that is what everyone will see.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Separate the front of the album cover carefully from the back trying not to tear it. These will be the front and back of your purse.
Step 3

Put a piece of wood, like a corner post, approximately 4-inches-by-4-inches by 12-inches long onto a cookie sheet. Cover the piece of wood with aluminum foil making sure the foil goes down onto the cookie.
Step 4

Now lay the vinyl record, 33 LP, onto the piece of wood centering it and put it in a warm oven. Keep a close eye, you do not want to burn it. You just want it to melt enough to fold down the sides of the wood forming a U. Remove from the oven and allow it to cool several minutes before touching it.
Step 5
Take your clear vinyl, it may be cheapest to use one intended to be a tablecloth, but maybe not. Fold it in half, lay the album covers inside. Leave about two inches of vinyl between the album cover and the fold and two inches on the other side as well. You will either stitch these sides together or use grommets to connect them to form the sides of the purse. Be sure to leave enough inches of clear vinyl exposed between the two covers for the formed LP that will be the bottom. Measure your piece of wood so you will know exactly how many inches to leave.
Step 6
Stitch around the four sides of each cover using clear thread, fishline, or use smaller grommets about every inch to secure it. Set the formed 33 LP in between the two covers. The album covers should completely cover the turned up sides of the formed 33 LP. You should only see the center flat portion on the bottom and it should be covered with clear vinyl. The album covers are the front and back of the purse and the formed 33 LP is the bottom of the purse. Clear vinyl creates the sides of the purse. Stitch the clear vinyl together on the sides or use grommets to form the sides.
Step 7
Fill your clear aquarium tubing with colored feathers, beads, glitter, or whatever you think is cool. Then use grommets to attach the tubing to the purse creating the handle. Your new purse is ready to show off to friends.
A convection oven will circulate the heat more evenly.
Do not over heat the vinyl record. Do not touch a hot vinyl record, it may stay hot for several minutes.
Video of the Day