How to Make Hamburgers in an Electric Smoker

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Things You'll Need

  • Wood chips for smoking

  • Water

  • Metal bowl

  • 1 lb. hamburger meat

  • ¼ cup diced onions

  • 2 tsp. seasoned salt

  • Meat thermometer

Smoke hamburgers on an electric smoker for more flavor than frying.

An electric smoker gives a smokey flavor to hamburgers without having to burn charcoal or gas. Insteady, use wood chips specifically made for smoking. These are available at camping and barbecue supply stores. Do not use wood chips from hardware stores or scraps of lumber as these could have hazardous chemicals in them which will be released during smoking.


Step 1

Soak the wood chips for 1 hour in water before cooking the hamburgers.

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Step 2

Drain the wood chips and place them into a metal bowl.

Step 3

Set this bowl in the bottom of an electric smoker on the bottom shelf just above the heating element.

Step 4

Plug in the electric smoker and let it heat to begin smoking the wood chips.

Step 5

Knead the onions and seasoned salt with your hands.

Step 6

Divide the meat into six patties weighing just under 3 ounces each. The patties should be about one half-inch thick.


Step 7

Place the hamburger patties on the top grates in the electric smoker and set the lid on the smoker.

Step 8

Cook the hamburgers in the electric smoker, flipping every three minutes until the interior of the meat reaches 160 degrees F.


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