Things You'll Need
Hedge clippers or sharp knife
Floral wire
Wire cutters

Instead of an ordinary round wreath, make a heart-shaped wreath for a change. Hearts are a common motif in country decor and add a touch of warmth to any home. A natural wreath of heart twigs can dress up any room, yard or front door. Collect some sticks and twigs on your next nature walk and a heart wreath to decorate your own home, or to give as a gift to someone you love, is only a few steps away.
Step 1
Collect about a dozen fairly pliable twigs from your yard. They should be able to bend almost in a u-shape without snapping. How many you'll actually need will depend on how thick you want your wreath to be.
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Step 2
Cut the twigs so they are all the same length. The length of the twigs should be about a third longer than the length you want your wreath to measure.
Step 3
Divide your twigs into two bunches. Hold up one of the bunches of twigs and look at it carefully. This will be the thickness of your wreath. Add or remove twigs to adjust the thickness as you desire. Make sure both bunches are even.
Step 4
Wrap a piece of wire about an inch from the ends of one bundle and twist it with a pair of pliers to tighten it like a twist tie to hold the bundle together. Twist another wire around it about mid-way up the wire, and another a couple of inches from the other end. Snip off excess wire ends if necessary. Repeat the process with the second bundle of sticks.
Step 5
Hold the two bundles of sticks together so the cut tips criss-cross each other like an "x" shape. Wrap wire around both of them together and twist to secure them. This joined area will eventually form the top indent of the heart.
Step 6
Bend the free ends of the twigs away from each other and bring them downward so they form a heart shape. Two free ends should cross each other like an "x" to form the point of the heart. Wrap a piece of wire around them and twist it to hold them together.
Cover the wire, if desired, with ribbon or twine to hide it.
Decorate your wreath with leaves, flowers and other embellishments.
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