Grilling adds a unique flavor to pork, and the George Foreman grill gives you that without heading outdoors -- with a minimum of time and cleanup. Foreman recommends you only use boneless pork chops. If you have a bone-in pork chop on hand, carefully slice the meat off the bone for best results.
Choosing the Chop
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The Foreman grill is created for pieces of meat 1/2 to 1 inch in thickness. The chop should be of similar thickness throughout. Center cut chops and pork loin both work nicely. Fat can be trimmed or left on the pork chop. You can grill more than one chop at a time if: There is room for more than one chop with sides not touching The chops are of similar thickness
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Adding Enticements

Hard-core grill lovers may want nothing more than salt and pepper on their pork chops. It's easy to be adventurous, though. Create a marinade of white wine, vinegar and olive oil along with your favorite spices in a shallow bowl, just enough to cover the pork, and placed covered in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours. Stir the ingredients and turn the pork at least once. Alternatively, rub seasonings into the pork such as brown sugar, chili powder, garlic powder, cayenne pepper and sage. The seasoned pork can be grilled right away or allowed to sit, covered, in the refrigerator until mealtime. If you favor flavor over juiciness, poke holes with a sharp fork in both sides of the meat to allow marinade or seasonings to further penetrate the meat.
A Gourmet Touch

For a special occasion, cook a stuffed pork chop. Prepare moist stuffing as you do for poultry, with a bread base, celery, onions, egg and your favorite spices. Ensure the stuffing is completely cooked before using it, due to the raw egg; heating it in a covered skillet works nicely and prevents the drying out that can occur in the oven. Carefully cut a pocket in each chop and add the stuffing. Hold it closed with a toothpick until you are ready to put it on the Foreman grill.
Heat the George Foreman Grill

Place the pork on the hot grill with sides not touching. The manufacturer recommends you cook for 2.5 minutes to 3.5 minutes for a 1/2 chop on a small Foreman grill. A thicker or stuffed chop may take 5 to 7 minutes. Do not remove until the juices run clear when the pork is pierced with a fork at the thickest part. The USDA recommends checking with a meat thermometer and cooking until the pork is at least 145 degrees in the center, and then allowing it to rest for at least 3 minutes before eating.