Things You'll Need
Bedazzler studs or jewels

The Bedazzler is a great tool that allows you to add decorative studs and jewels all over your clothing. You can personalize T-shirts, jean pockets or backpacks. It takes only a few minutes, and there's no sewing or gluing required. While the machine may look a little odd, it's a snap to use. Here's how to Bedazzle your own shirts so you can impress your friends.
Step 1
Lift the arm of the Bedazzler.
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Step 2
Place a stud or jewel inside the hollow end of the arm. It should fit snugly inside this hole. The pointed spikes of the stud should be pointing downward, and the decorative side should be inside the hole.
Step 3
Place the fabric you want to Bedazzle on the base of the Bedazzler, over the metal plate. Adjust the fabric so when you press the arm down, the stud or jewel will be over the area you want to stick it on.
Step 4
Press down firmly on the Bedazzler arm when you are satisfied with the way your fabric is adjusted. You'll need to apply a lot of pressure. The stud will go through the cloth, and the metal plate on the other side will flatten the spikes to hold the stud in place.
Step 5
Lift the arm again and check that the stud is stuck in the fabric. If it's not, press down again. If you are having trouble, pull the stud out and try a new one. To remove a stud, turn the material over and use a small pair of pliers to pull the spikes back down, then grasp the top of the stud and pull until it comes loose.
Step 6
Turn the fabric over to make sure the stud is properly attached. If some of the spikes are still pointing out, you can press them flat against the material yourself by pressing the fabric against a hard surface.
Thin fabrics work best with the Bedazzler. Thicker fabrics make it harder for the studs to stick.
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