How to Make a Star Wars DIY Ewok Costume for Kids

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Image Credit: Sonya Nimri

Darth Vader has mind control, Luke has the Force, and the Ewoks have… maximum cuteness. But if you thought these furry little creatures couldn't get any cuter than they are on the big screen, think again. Star Wars costumes for cosplay are the cutest, so drape your own little one in Endor garb and wait for Yoda and the Jedi to return for the smiles, laughter and plenty of candy for all.


Follow this tutorial for an adorable Star Wars halloween costume idea.

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Things You'll Need

  • Sweatpants

  • 1 1/2 yards of dark brown faux fur (for a 3-year-old's costume)

  • Scissors

  • Needle and thread (and/or sewing machine)

  • Long-sleeved T-shirt

  • 1/2-yard brown felt

  • Hooded jacket or sweatshirt to use as a pattern

  • Snap or hook-and-loop fastener

  • 8-by-10-inch piece of light brown faux fur

  • Headband with antennae

Cut fur rectangles for the pants

Right under the underwear line on the sweatpants, measure and cut a rectangle of dark brown faux fur large enough to wrap entirely around one leg. Repeat for the other leg.


Image Credit: Sonya Nimri

Sew the fur to the pants

At the top of each rectangle, sew the fur to the pants using a whipstitch, leaving an open seam along both inner legs.


Image Credit: Sonya Nimri

Sew the fur leg together

Sew the inner side seam of the fur leg to itself with a whipstitch. Repeat on the other leg.


Image Credit: Sonya Nimri
Image Credit: Sonya Nimri

Attach fur to the shirt

Wrap a dark brown faux fur rectangle around a long-sleeved T-shirt positioned just below the armpits, and leave the open seam on the side. Sew the top and side of the fur rectangle in the same fashion as you did with the pants, whipstitching the top to the shirt and then the side to itself.



You may want to leave the bottom 4 to 5 inches of fur open at the bottom to allow easier entry into and out of the shirt.

Image Credit: Sonya Nimri

Add fur to the arms

Wrap a dark brown faux fur rectangle around each of the arms, sewing it first around the diameter of the sleeve, then whipstitching it to itself from armpit to wrist.


Image Credit: Sonya Nimri
Image Credit: Sonya Nimri

Make an Ewok hood

On a hooded sweatshirt or jacket that you already have, trace the outline of the hood on two layers of brown felt, leaving about 1 inch of extra space around the outline. Cut out both pieces of felt following the outline of the hood. Cut the bottom of the two felt pieces so they dip down in the back.


Image Credit: Sonya Nimri

Cut a flap for the smock

Cut another piece of brown felt, as shown in the image, in a wavy continent-like sort of shape that measures 17 inches wide by 10 inches long.



Image Credit: Sonya Nimri

Sew the hood and smock together

Sew the two side pieces of the hood together, and then sew one end of the smock to one side of the hood in the front.

Image Credit: Sonya Nimri

Sew a closure on the hood and smock

Sew a snap or hook-and-loop fastener to the other side of the hood, and sew its adjoining piece to the loose end of the smock.

Image Credit: Sonya Nimri
Image Credit: Sonya Nimri

Create the inner ears

Cut two 3-by-3-inch squares from light brown faux fur for the insides of the cute Ewok ears. Cut a rounded shape on the top two corners.


Image Credit: Sonya Nimri

Make the outer ears

Cut two 10-by-5-inch strips of dark brown fur. Sew or glue one of the rounded light brown fur shapes to one end of the dark fur strip, centering it. Repeat on the other fur strip.

Image Credit: Sonya Nimri

Sew the ears together

Fold the strip over inside-out. Sew around the rounded portion of the ear, an inch outside the inside ear, and cut off the excess. Don't sew the straight portion of the ear.

Image Credit: Sonya Nimri

Add ears to the headband

Place the opening of both ears over the antennae and hand-sew them closed using a whipstitch. Cut slits in the top of the hood large enough for the ears to stick through.

Image Credit: Sonya Nimri
Image Credit: Sonya Nimri

Assemble the DIY Star Wars Ewok costume

To assemble the DIY Ewok costume, put on the fur-trimmed pants and shirt, the headband, and then the hood. Snap the hood and smock together and position the ears so they poke through the slits in the hood.

Image Credit: Sonya Nimri

