Washing and drying clothes with crayon is an unfortunate laundry accident. The wax and color of the crayon will dry into the clothes and likely ruin them. The good news is these clothes do not need to be trashed. Salvage them with a simple cleaning mixture designed to remove the wax and color stain.
Things You'll Need
Laundry detergent
Oxidizing detergent
Stain remover
White vinegar
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Step 1
Mix together 2 cups laundry detergent, 1 cup of an oxidizing detergent, 1/2 cup borax, 1 cup stain remover and 1 cup white vinegar.
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Step 2
Add the soap mixture to the laundry in the washing machine. Start the wash cycle to fill the machine with hot water and mix the soap up a little. Turn the machine off and let the laundry soak for 30 minutes. This will loosen the crayon wax from the clothing.
Step 3
Finish running the wash and rinse cycle on the washing machine. Inspect the clothes prior to placing them in the dryer to ensure that all the crayon was removed from the clothes. If there are still some spots of crayon remaining, soak them in the same soap mixture and wash again, ensuring that you use the hottest setting on the washing machine.
For more resistant crayon stains, allow the clothes to soak overnight in the soap mixture prior to washing.