Things You'll Need
2 black pom pom balls
Hot glue gun
Plain black headband
Black ribbon
Red sequins

Try making a simple antennae headband for your ladybug costume. The headband can be worn as a Halloween costume, a costume for a play or just for fun during dress-up games. Very few materials are needed to make the headband. To get started, you will need to learn how to properly secure the antennae on top of the headband and cover it so that it looks finished and is safe to wear.
Step 1
Place a dot of hot glue on to two black pom pom balls and press the end of a black pipe cleaner onto each. These are your antennae, which you will be attaching to your headband.
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Step 2
Bend the end of the pipe cleaners (opposite the pom pom balls) at a 90-degree angle.
Step 3
Apply a bead of hot glue along each bent end of the pipe cleaners and press them in place on your headband. Place them about 4 inches apart on either side of the center of the band. Allow the glue to cool and dry.
Step 4
Cut about 24 inches of black ribbon. Place a dot of hot glue on the underside of the headband right under one of your antennae. Press one end of the ribbon onto the glue.
Step 5
Wrap the ribbon around the headband several times to cover sharp wires and also cosmetically cover your glue spots.
Step 6
Place another bead of glue on the underside of the headband where the ribbon ends and press the end of the ribbon onto it. Allow the glue to cool and dry before wearing.
Use a similar process to make headbands for other types of bugs.
Cover the ends of the pipe cleaners to avoid being stuck by the wire.
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