How to Make Plaster Bandages

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Things You'll Need

  • Medical or builder's plaster of Paris

  • Gauze bandages

  • Newspaper

  • Bucket of water

Making your own plaster bandages is a great way to save money. Plaster bandages can be used for medical purposes or for casting body parts for art. Getting the consistency for the plaster correct can take a few tries, but once you get it down, the process is easy. Plaster bandages should be used immediately after making or stored for only short periods of time, as they do not keep long.


Step 1

Lay down some newspaper on the floor to avoid getting dry plaster everywhere. Fill a bucket with lukewarm water and place it on the newspaper.

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Step 2

Dip a roll of gauze in the water bucket. Wring the gauze dry by squeezing the water out. It only needs to be damp enough to hold the plaster powder on it.


Step 3

Unroll the gauze flat on the floor and sprinkle the dry plaster lightly over the gauze.


Step 4

Gently rub the plaster powder into the damp gauze. You can then either roll it back up or create layered slabs by folding the gauze on top of itself.


Step 5

Store the gauze or use it that day. To store the gauze, roll it back up and wrap it in dry newspaper or put it in a plastic bag and then store it in an airtight container. Plaster bandages can spoil by absorbing too much moisture, so do not make too many at one time.


Step 6

Dip the plaster bandages in lukewarm water and apply as you would a store-bought bandage. If you find there is not enough plaster powder on the bandage, you can sprinkle more on and rub it smooth with water on your hands.


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