How to Make a Wooden Guitar Stand

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Things You'll Need

  • Lengths of wood

  • Bolts (with lock-washers and nuts)

  • Drywall screws

  • Carpenter's glue

  • Saw

  • Screwdriver

  • Crescent wrenches

  • Drill

  • Drill bits

  • Wood stain

  • Varnish

  • Felt, carpet or suede

Wooden guitar stand

Anyone who is serious about playing guitar should have a convenient, sturdy stand to keep the instrument readily available for playing yet securely out of harm's way. Many a guitar that was casually leaned against a wall has been damaged by falling over or being accidentally knocked down.


This project will enable you to craft a simple but solid and handsome wooden stand for your guitar. The accompanying diagrams can be enlarged and used as plans.

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Step 1

Purchase two wooden boards that measure 4 by 1 by 8 inches. Poplar is a good, inexpensive option. Cut the board stock into lengths as follows: Two 30-inch lengths for the uprights, one 22-inch length for the top crosspiece, two 16-inch pieces for the base sides and two 20-inch lengths for the bottom guitar rests.


Step 2

Cut an arch in the center of the top piece. The tip of the arch should be just wide enough to cradle the neck of your guitar below the tuning keys. (The guitar will be placed on the finished stand with the face and back parallel to the base sides.)

Step 3

Front view of guitar stand

Attach the top piece to the top ends of the two uprights using drywall screws. Drill pilot holes through the top piece for the screws. Spread carpenter's glue evenly on the top ends of the uprights for added strength before fastening with the screws. Wipe off any excess glue with a damp rag or sponge.


Step 4

Side view of guitar stand

Put together the base sides and guitar rests. Mount the guitar rests at 45-degree angles. Align the top corners of the rests with the top corners of the base sides so they angle downward toward the middle of the stand. Measure and mark the placement of the screws and drill pilot holes for them. Spread carpenter's glue evenly on the ends of the rests for added strength before fastening with the drywall screws. Wipe off any excess glue with a damp rag or sponge.


Step 5

Attach the assembled uprights and top to the base unit by measuring and drilling pilot holes for the bolts through the corresponding base sides and uprights. Take care to align them. (Using bolts and nuts allows the stand to be dissembled and laid flat for packing and moving.) Secure the uprights using 2-1/2-inch bolts, locking washers and nuts.


Step 6

Sand the wooden parts thoroughly and finish with stain and varnish. After the stain and varnish have dried, attach a 20-by-20-inch piece of felt, carpet or suede padding with fabric glue. Thicker material can be additionally secured with staples or tacks on the sides opposite where the guitar touches the stand. Secure padding on the guitar rest pieces and on the inside of the arch on the top piece.


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