Things You'll Need
Four inch thick upholstery foam
Spray adhesive
Craft knife with snap-off blade
Yard stick or other large straight edge
Non-stretchy cloth
Large needle

Foam blocks are all-purpose furniture pieces that can be used for foot rests, gaming chairs and in the construction of play forts. In addition, they're a simple and inexpensive craft project that you can make yourself from easy-to-get materials. Make your own upholstery foam blocks and cover them with fabric to accent any decor.
Step 1
Cut out five 20 x 20 inch squares of foam. Draw the measurement lines in marker on the foam, then cut by compressing the sheet, pressing down on it with the straight edge. Cut along the edge of the straight edge using a snap-off blade knife.
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Step 2
Stack the foam to form a cube. Line up the pieces edge-to-edge and make sure the edges line up. If not, trim the ones that stick out until the stacked pieces create flat edges.
Step 3
Glue the layers of foam to create a single block. Starting from the bottom piece in the stack, spray the top of each layer thoroughly with spray adhesive, then lay the next piece on top of it and press down. Alternately, if using a contact adhesive, spray both pieces and let the glue dry before pressing them together. Consult the glue manufacturer's instructions for more detailed instructions.
Step 4
Draft a cloth cover pattern. Measure one of the square sides of the cube and use this to create a paper cube pattern–this will be a six sided t-shape with the center of the “T” made from four square units and the arms of the “T” made from one square each. Cut this shape out of cloth.
Step 5
Wrap the cloth “T” cutout around the foam cube stack.
Step 6
Sew the pattern together. Double-thread a needle, then sew the cloth cover down each edge of the cube using a whip stitch–a stitch that loops around the hem–and start a new line of stitching for each edge.
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