The queen mattress is the most popular size, says The Mattress Council, making the queen-sized quilt also a sought-after item. A queen-sized quilt can also be used as a bedspread for smaller mattresses and makes an adequately-sized top blanket for larger ones.
Queen Mattress Dimensions
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A queen-sized mattress measures approximately 60 inches wide by 80 inches long. The standard depth is 7 to 9 inches.
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Suggested Quilt Sizes

A 90-by-94-inch quilt allows for a 15-inch drape on all sides and it is sized for use with a dust ruffle. If you want extra room for pillow-tucking or if you want the quilt to reach the floor, consider using king-size quilt dimensions. Keep in mind that the batting's loft can also affect the finished quilt size.
Making Queen-Sized Quilt Backing

You may be able to save money by using a king-sized bed sheet for quilt backing instead of buying the fabric directly. Look for sales in home decor stores or the home sections of department stores. Measure the backing by taking the dimensions of your quilt top and adding about 2 inches on all sides.