Things You'll Need
Wrapping paper
Clear tape

As you prepare to wrap a gift, consider using a basic shoebox and lid and wrapping each part separately with the gift tucked snugly inside the box. When you use this gift wrap technique--often called a "Hollywood" gift wrap--your recipient will receive a beautifully wrapped gift that only requires her to simply lift the lid to unwrap the gift. Not only can you create a lovely package, but you also skip the mess of crumpled wrapping paper, because the wrapping paper stays on the shoebox.
Wrap the Box Lid
Step 1
Cut a sheet of wrapping paper that is approximately 4 inches larger each dimension of the box lid.
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Step 2
Place the sheet of wrapping paper onto a flat work surface with the wrong side of the wrapping paper facing up. Set the box lid onto the wrapping paper, centering it in the middle.
Step 3
Pull one long edge of wrapping paper up around a long side edge of the box lid and tape it securely inside the box lid in two to three places. Pull the other long edge of wrapping paper snugly around the box lid and tape it securely inside the other long side edge of the box lid in the same fashion.
Step 4
Fold the edges of the wrapping paper around the corners of the box lid and tape the wrapping paper in place securely around all four corners of the box lid.
Step 5
Crease the wrapping paper that remains extended from one short side of the box lid diagonally from each corner. Fold this portion of wrapping paper up around the short edge of the box lid and tape it tightly into place inside the box lid. Repeat this same process on the other short side of the box lid to finish wrapping the box lid.
Wrap the Box Bottom
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Step 1
Cut a sheet of wrapping paper that is large enough to wrap the paper up around the side edges of the shoebox with about 2 inches of wrapping paper extending past the edges
Step 2
Place the sheet of wrapping paper with the wrong side up onto your work surface and center the shoebox in the middle of it.
Step 3
Pull one long edge of the wrapping paper up around the long side edge of the shoebox and tape it inside the shoebox along the top edge of the box in two to three places. Repeat this same process on the other long side edge of the shoebox with the other edge of the wrapping paper.
Step 4
Crease the edges of the wrapping paper diagonally on a short edge of the shoebox and fold this creased flap of wrapping paper up over a short side of the shoebox. Tape this wrapping paper in place inside the shoebox. Repeat the same process on the other short edge of the shoebox, taping the wrapping paper securely in place.
To wrap the gift, place it inside the shoebox and fit the wrapped shoebox lid down over the shoebox bottom. Top with a bow.