Things You'll Need
1 sheet paper
1 sheet black felt
1 sheet gray felt
Sewing pins
Hot glue
Glue sticks
Black embroidery floss
Gray T-shirt
Cardboard T-shirt form
Black fabric paint
Midnight blue fabric paint
Light gray fabric paint
Flat-edge paint brush
Gray face paint
Black face paint
White face paint
Thin paint brush
Angled paint brush

When you're "off to see the Wizard" you should dress the part in your homemade "Wizard of Oz" Toto costume. Dorothy Gale's loveable Scottish terrier is suitable for both children and adults. Complete it from start to finish in only a few hours. Wear your Toto costume for dress-up parties, theater productions or just for fun.
Toto Ear Headband
Step 1
Create a pattern. Draw a rounded-edge triangle with a 2-inch base onto a piece of paper. Draw another rounded-edge triangle with a 1-inch base. Cut the triangles out.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Fold the black felt in half. Lay the large triangle onto the folded edge. Trace around it with the chalk and cut the pieces out. The pieces should be diamond shaped. Repeat this step.
Step 3
Trace two small triangles onto the gray felt. Cut the pieces out.
Step 4
Wrap one large diamond-shaped ear piece around the headband on one side. Make sure the triangle sections are on top of each other. Pin them together. Repeat this step on the other side of the headband.
Step 5
Try on your headband and look in a mirror. Make sure the ear pieces are even. Adjust if necessary.
Step 6
Remove the sewing pins. Hot glue the pieces to the headband and apply glue between the pieces. Press them together.
Step 7
Center the small triangles onto the larger triangles. Glue them in place.
Step 8
Sew a blanket stitch around the outside of the ears with embroidery floss.
Toto Costume Shirt
Step 1
Insert the cardboard T-shirt form into the gray T-shirt.
Step 2
Paint fur onto the shirt. Start from the neckline and work your way toward the end.
Step 3
Layer the paint. Paint black streaks onto the shirt. Add streaks of midnight blue and light gray streaks for highlights.
Toto Face Paint
Step 1
Paint your face light gray.
Step 2
Paint the tip and sides of your nose black.
Step 3
Paint a black line from the end of your nose down to the center of your mouth. Paint your lips black.
Step 4
Add small lines around the edges of your face to represent fur. Follow the direction of your face, but do not make the lines the same length. Paint short lines with longer lines. The fur lines should resemble grass.
Step 5
Add more jagged black lines across your eyelids and the bridge or your nose. Place short vertical lines across your forehead and cheek areas as well. Make sure the end of the lines extend out toward the sides of your face.
Step 6
Paint short gray lines into the empty space between the black lines for highlights.
Wear the costume with a gray undershirt and gray pants. Gray socks and gloves complete the outfit.
Video of the Day