How to Make a Humpty Dumpty Costume

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Things You'll Need

  • White stretchy shirt, a couple sizes too big

  • White leggings or tights

  • Several pillows or pieces of batting

  • Masking tape

  • Large shorts

  • Suspenders

  • Hat

  • Bow tie

  • Needle

  • Thread

  • Permanent marker or fabric marker

  • Yellow felt (optional)

  • Rouge

You don't have all the king's horses and all the king's men available to put together a Humpty Dumpty costume, but you still need one regardless. And you certainly don't want a broken egg to break the bank. Well don't fret! These simple guidelines will have you humpty, dumpty, and ready to fall off the walls in no time!


Step 1

Put on white sweatshirt and white leggings or tights. Though you do not want skin-tight clothing, these pieces should be tight enough to be stuffed to capacity without baggy areas.

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Step 2

Stuff sweatshirt and tights with pillows, batting, or other stuffing material to make yourself look as round and "egg-like" as possible. Use smooth pillows so that your egg doesn't appear lumpy.


Step 3

Wrap the batting or pillows around yourself with masking tape to keep them from shifting during use.

Step 4

Clothe yourself with oversized shorts, suspenders, a top hat and brown shoes.

Step 5

Sew a bow tie to the top of the sweatshirt.


Step 6

Draw various, jagged cracks on the sweatshirt and/or leggings using permanent marker. If you'd like to get "gory," snip open a couple of the cracks you have drawn and attach some yellow felt with a glue gun or safety pins to give a leaking yolk effect.

Step 7

Apply a little rouge to your cheeks so they look nice and rosy.


If you would rather not mark up your clothing items, the egg shape can easily be achieved by using a white plastic garbage bag: Cut out holes for the legs and fill with pillows, batting, or smaller plastic grocery bags for volume.

Make yourself as rotund as possible; don’t shy away from using as much fluffing material as possible. The bigger the better for this costume. You don’t want to be reduced to a shell with clothing.

Scratch the standard Victorian look for clown-like attire such as a giant polka dot bow tie and a silly hat with a pom-pom on top.

Go to a Halloween or nursery rhyme theme party with friends dressed as the king's men or a brick wall.


Avoid using plastic bags with very small children, and always supervise children when they participate in craft making.


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