Things You'll Need
Measuring Tape
Dark green flat twin sheet
Sewing machine
Cloak toggle
Leather belt
Poster board
Masking tape
Thermal plastic
Brown spray paint

Embark on your next adventure dressed as an elf of the Woodland Realm. You can appear ready to fight Orks and save Middle Earth as Legolas Greenleaf with just a few accessories. Basic wood elf men's fashion consists of tan pants, knee boots, white shirt and bow-and-arrow. Construct your own original cape, tunic, and arm bracers to complete Legolas's "Lord of the Rings" look.
The Woodland Cloak
Step 1
Measure your body from the base of your neck to your ankle. Record the length. Divide the flat sheet in half with the wrong sides facing each other. Cut it the same length as the measurement. The hemmed garment will be slightly shorter in length, but will still be long enough for a dramatic cape.
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Step 2
Draw a slight curve that extends to the edge of the fabric, starting at the top fold. This will create the shoulder portion of the cape. The cut sheet should slightly resemble a shark's fin. Open the fabric with the wrong side facing up.
Step 3
Fold the remaining fabric in half. Cut a semicircle that measures the same width as the cloak, and 24 inches vertically. Lay the long edge of the semicircle over the top edge of the cape, wrong sides facing each other. Pin it in place.
Step 4
Sew the semicircle piece to the cloak with a 5/8-inch seam allowance. Sew from the center of the fabric outwards. Make sure to follow the curve of the garment. Remove the pins from the fabric and turn the garment right-side out.
Step 5
Measure a 1/4-inch hem and pin it. Make sure that the hem is on the inside of the cloak. Sew the fabric in place. Attach a cloak toggle to the front of the cloak where the hood and cloak are sewn together.
The Basic Tunic
Step 1
Cut the sleeves off of an extra-tall T-shirt. Leave the edges unsewn.
Step 2
Cut the front of the shirt open, and make a deep V-neck.
Step 3
Hand stitch four toggle buttons to the front of the shirt about 3 inches apart. Cinch the shirt at the waist with a brown leather belt.
Sturdy Arm Bracers
Step 1
Cut a piece of poster board in half vertically. Wrap one section of poster board around each of your forearms. The poster board should close at the top and bottom. Make sure that the poster board fits snuggly against your wrists but is not so tight that it cannot slide over your hands. Secure the poster boards in place with masking tape, and remove them from your arms.
Step 2
Remove the masking tape from the poster board and open the arm bracer pattern. Place the pattern on top of a sheet of thermal plastic. Draw an outline of the pattern, and cut it out.
Step 3
Heat the thermal plastic with a blow dryer. Slightly overlap the long edges of one arm bracer, and rub the pieces together. It will bond to itself as it cools. Repeat the process with the other arm bracer. Allow the thermal paper to cool.
Step 4
Paint the arm bracers with brown spray paint.
Always follow manufacturer's directions when using thermal plastic.
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