Things You'll Need
Clean turkey platter
Vegetable peeler
1 head of kale or curly endives
1 bunch of fresh sage
1 bunch of fresh parsley
1 bunch of fresh rosemary
2 lemons
2 oranges
1 bunch of green and red grapes
1 box of cranberries
3 hot peppers

Compared to the work it takes cook a turkey, decorating the platter is simple and enjoyable to do. All it really requires is some fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables that do not wither or change color when near a heat source. Fresh fruit and plant garnishes are naturally beautiful and enhance the allure of other foods with little effort. All you need to do is choose your favorite items, clean, cut them and arrange them around your bird.
Prepping the Platter
Step 1

Lay the clean turkey platter on a even dry surface. Wash and separate the kale or endive leaves. Shake any excess water from the leaves. Lay the leaves around the turkey platter so they cover the top of the platter once. Arrange them so the curly sides face away from the center.
Step 2

Wash and separate small bunches of fresh sage, rosemary and parsley. Arrange the small bunches to your liking on top of the kale or endive base. These herbs looks best when the leaves are facing away from the center.
Step 3

Peel one lemon and one orange with a vegetable peeler creating curly strips of rind. Arrange the curly lemon and orange peels evenly amongst the herbs.
Step 4

Cut the second orange and lemon into wheels horizontally across the belly of the fruits. Arrange the wheels in two or three groups next to the curly rinds among the herbs.
Step 5

Wash and separate two small bunches of 4 or 5 grapes from the larger bunch. Set the grapes aside.
Step 6

Wash 10 to 15 cranberries. Arrange them around the platter to your desired design.
Step 7

Wash the hot peppers. Trim any unattractive stems. Lay the three hot peppers on the platter in a bunch together.
Step 8

Cover the decorated platter and refrigerate until ready to serve.
The Arrival of the Turkey
Step 1

Remove the platter from the refrigerator when the turkey is ready to serve. Turkeys need to sit for 15-20 minutes when the come out of the oven before they are ready to carve. Uncover the platter and carefully place the turkey in the center of the platter.
Step 2

Arrange the grape bunches so they lean delicately against each side of the turkey. Rearrange any garnishes to look their best now that the turkey is in place. Distribute the colorful fruits evenly around the turkey. Add more fruits and herbs wherever they are needed. Remove any that look superfluous. Sprinkle some parsley leaves on the top of the bird for extra decoration.
Step 3

Carefully carry the turkey platter to the dinner table. Place the platter in the center of the table and serve.
Check out this related video from ExpertVillage on Youtube
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