Things You'll Need
Worsted weight yarn
U.S. size 4 straight knitting needles
Tapestry needle
Polyester stuffing

A hand-knit stuffed ball can serve many purposes. Crafted balls are used as toys for children or pets, decorations for the home, pincushions and parts for a larger crafting project. A small, 2-inch-high ball can be knitted using straight knitting needles and basic knitting techniques. Once the ball body is complete, it is sewn together and stuffed to give the project its spherical shape. From there you can decorate the ball or use it immediately for its chosen purpose.
Step 1
Cast nine stitches onto one straight knitting needle with the yarn. Purl each stitch across the first row.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Knit the first stitch of the second row. Knit into the front of the second stitch, leaving it on the left-hand needle. Knit into the same stitch again, this time working into the back of the stitch. Drop the worked stitch from the left-hand needle to complete the increase stitch. Three stitches should now be on the right-hand needle. Knit the next stitch normally and work the following stitch as an increase stitch. Continue this pattern to the end of the row.
Step 3
Purl each stitch of the next row. On the following row, knit the first two stitches normally and work the third stitch as an increase stitch. Continue this pattern to the end of the row.
Step 4
Purl each stitch of the next row. On the following row, knit the first three stitches normally and work the fourth stitch as an increase stitch. Continue this pattern to the end of the row.
Step 5
Purl each stitch of the next row. Knit each stitch normally on the following row. Alternate between purling and knitting evenly for seven more rows.
Step 6
Knit the first two stitches of the next row, then knit the following two stitches together. Knit the next four stitches. Repeat knitting two stitches together then knitting four stitches to the end of the row.
Step 7
Purl the next row evenly. On the following row, knit the first stitch normally and knit the next two stitches together. Continue this pattern across the row.
Step 8
Purl the next row. Knit two stitches together to begin the following row, then continue knitting two stitches together to complete the row.
Step 9
Cut the yarn with scissors, leaving a 15-inch tail. Thread the tail through the tapestry needle. Draw the needle from left to right into the remaining stitches, then pull the work off of the knitting needle. Tug the yarn tightly to secure it.
Step 10
Insert the threaded tapestry needle under the horizontal bar made by the knitted yarn of the edge stitch of one side of the ball, then do the same for the edge stitch on the opposite side. Continue sewing up the sides of the ball in this manner.
Step 11
Fill the ball with polyester stuffing once your sewing nears the top. Be sure not to overfill or under-stuff the ball.
Step 12
Sew up the remaining hole and weave in the loose ends.
Video of the Day