How to Make an Invisible Man Costume

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Things You'll Need

  • Black pants

  • White dress shirt

  • Gauze roll bandages

  • Safety pins

  • White gloves

  • Black sunglass

  • Black top hat

  • Black dress shoes

The Invisible Man wore black sunglasses in the 1933 movie.

"The Invisible Man" is both a novel written by H.G. Wells in 1987 and a 1933 science-fiction film based upon the book. The lead character is a scientist named Jack Griffin who develops a way to turn himself invisible, then finds that he cannot undo his experiment. The reality of being invisible indefinitely drives him insane, resulting in a murderous rampage toward the end of the story. Dressing up as the Invisible Man makes both an interesting and inexpensive Halloween costume.


Step 1

Put on long black pants and a white dress shirt.

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Step 2

Wrap your head with white gauze, covering all over your skin but leaving small holes around your nose with openings for your mouth and eyes. Secure with safety pins.

Step 3

Cover your hands with white gloves.

Step 4

Put on black sunglasses, a black top hat and black dress shoes.


Carry a vintage-looking cane with you as you wear your costume.

The components of your costume can be found at many thrift stores for low prices.

White crepe paper streamer can be used in place of gauze. Secure with tape and be more careful as it rips easily.


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