Remodeling or even redecorating a home often means selling or discarding out-dated home items such as as a crystal chandelier. These beautiful pieces may not fit a home's new style, but they shouldn't be thrown away or regarded as useless. They can be used to create a variety of crafts from personal use items to updated home décor.
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Use crystals from a chandelier to create sparkly handmade jewelry. You can make a beaded necklace, bracelet or ankle bracelet out of small crystals by threading strong string through the small holes in the crystals. Use wire to attach a tear drop shaped crystals to the center-point of a necklace to create a beautiful pendant. Small crystals can also be used as earrings. Simply attach the crystals to earring hardware, which can be purchased at craft supply stores, and wear.
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Home Decor Items
You can purchase an inexpensive vase or bowl and turn it into an extraordinary piece of home décor by attaching old chandelier crystals to it. Use a diamond tip drill and a high speed, hand-held drill to create small holes around the rim of the object. You can dangle individual crystals from each hole or use a strand of crystals and string it from hole to hole around the rim of the bowl or vase.
Sculptures & Art Pieces
Use crystals from a chandelier to create art pieces, such as sculptures. Crystals, with their reflective qualities, can be used to create prisms or to add sparkle to a sculpture. Use other materials in conjunction with the crystals such as wire, clay or glass to create a pleasing piece. Or affix crystals to a piece of canvas with glue or wire to create a reflective assemblage art piece.
Use chandelier crystals to make wind mobiles and wind chimes. Use wire to construct a mobile or windchime and hang chandelier crystals from the arms. Hang the piece in a place that receives natural light and a light breeze. You can also use crystals to create a bookmark. Cut a rectanglular bookmark shape out of heavy cardstock, punch a hole in one end and thread a piece of ribbon through the hole. Then tie a crystal to the end of the ribbon to finish the bookmark.