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The Properties of T1 Steel
High speed steel was invented in 1910 by Frederick Winslow Taylor while he was working with the Bethlehem Steel Company. T1 steel was the first alloy produced from this discovery and was known as AISI. T1 grade steel quickly became an ideal material in the creation of machine parts and cutting tools thanks to its increased durability and resistance to damage. A shortage of raw materials during World War II caused the steel alloy to fall out of favor, replaced by the cheaper M2 steel alloy.
High Speed Steel Temperatures

T1 steel is a machine grade steel used in the creation of tool bits and cutting arms. High speed steel can withstand higher temperatures than other steel alloys, allowing them to work at higher speeds (hence the name) and cut faster. This makes T1 steel machine bits and cutting tools ideal for larger factory settings in which products must be pushed through the line quickly in order to maintain output.
Hardness and Durability

High speed steel is extremely durable and resistant to abrasion or damage from the material being cut. These properties are generally associated with higher tungsten contents in high speed steels as opposed to other carbon steels and steels used in the making of other machine grade tools. Durability and corrosion resistance lead to reduced replacement and maintenance costs for the machine owner.
Chemical Composition

T1 steel is an alloy steel composed of several elements. T1 Steel is composed of 18 percent tungsten (higher than normal to promote durability) or molybdenum, which was used as a replacement for Tungsten after 1940. Chromium makes up only 3 to 4 percent of T1 grade machine steel, with cobalt being altogether absent from its alloy. These elements are then treated at high heat in order to form high speed steel.
Jonathan Lister has been a writer and content marketer since 2003. His latest book publication, "Bullet, a Demos City Novel" is forthcoming from J Taylor Publishing in June 2014. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from Shippensburg University and a Master of Fine Arts in writing and poetics from Naropa University.
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