Ah, the wonderful basket. Not only is it a symbol of Easter, but it is also a symbol of spring. Both spring and Easter represent renewal, rebirth, and new life. Exactly what this project is all about. Give your old jeans new life by creating a fun, refashioned denim Easter basket that could be used all year long. Watch how easy it is to make your own with this easy-to-follow video tutorial.

First, you'll need to gather all those old, tattered jeans from your closet. It doesn't really matter if they are torn or stained. I used seven pairs of my husbands old work Carharts that were beyond bad, but they were perfect for this project.

You'll also need a sharp pair of scissors and a glue gun.

Cut the Seams
Use the scissors to cut as close to the seam as you can. The closer you can get to the seam the better the finished product will look. Make sure you are using very sharp scissors so you can cut very close to the seam. Cut up both sides of each seam.

Seam strips
I ended up with fourteen seam strips. The number of seam strips you use will be determined by the size of your finished basket.

Cut off the hem
Cut the hem off of each seam strip so your coils will be nice and even.

Start the base of the basket
Start the base of the basket by putting a dot of glue on the inside edge of the jean seam strip. Start to roll it around itself, keeping it as tight as possible as you roll.

Roll the base of the basket
Continue rolling the jean seam strip around itself adding a dot of glue every few inches until you come to the end of the first seam strip.

Connect another seam strip
When you run out of seam, just butt up the next seam strip as close to the end as possible, glue, and continue to roll until you get your desired base size. Just be careful to have the same side of the seam facing up. You will notice that each side of the seam has a different look.

Different seam looks
Once you get your base to the desired width, you'll need to decide which side you'd like to have facing up. Both sides look nice, it's just a matter of personal taste at this point. Every brand of jeans will have a different look. This is the look of one side of my base.

The other seam look
This is what the other side of the base looks like. I chose this side to be facing up in my basket. But you might prefer the other look, it really doesn't matter, they are both nice.

Base size
The base of my basket was approximately seven inches. You can continue to wrap more seam strips around if you'd like your basket to be bigger.

Starting the basket side coils
For a seven inch base, you'll need eight coils for the side of the basket. It's important at this point to cut the jean seam strips to the same length for this part of the project.

Cut the seam strips
Cut the ends of the jeans seam strips so they are all equal length.

Start to roll the side coils
Start rolling the side coils, but leave a one inch opening in the middle of each coil. Make sure that each of the openings of each coil is the same. Use your glue gun every few inches to secure the coil as you roll.

Side coils
Each side coil should be approximately the same size as long as the starting seams were the same length and the openings in the middle were the same size.

Connect the side coils to the base
Use the glue gun to connect the side coils to the base of the basket. Put a dot of glue on the base and place each coil close to the edge.

Rip strips of denim
Start by making a one inch cut through the hem of the jeans and then rip all the way to the top of the jeans. This will create a nice frayed edge.

Pull threads
Pull all the loose threads from the denim strip and set the threads aside for later.

Connect the coils
Use the strips of torn denim to connect each of the side coils. Use the glue gun to attach the strips on the inside of the basket by overlapping the ends and gluing.

You can use the threads and left over strips of denim to line the basket.

Add some colorful eggs
Add some colorful eggs to create an Easter basket.

Happy Easter
Wishing you a spring full of renewal, rebirth, and new life for you and your jeans.

Video of the Day