Orange Pomegranate Holiday Sangria Tutorial

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If you want to save a little time when entertaining, consider making a batch of sangria. Not only is it a flavorful cocktail, it can be made in advance, freeing you up to focus on food, friends, and family during your fete. Make it a day or two in advance and forget about it until your first guests walk through the door. Need to keep it chilled without watering it down? Add some frozen fruit. You'll love this delicious drink, especially during the holiday season!


Image Credit: Jackie Dodd

Video of the Day

Image Credit: Jackie Dodd

Things You'll Need

  • 1 large orange

  • 1 large pomegranate

  • ½ cup orange liqueur (such as Cointreau)

  • ¼ cup brandy or rum

  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar

  • 1 bottle red wine

  • 1 cup orange sparkling water or orange Italian soda

  • Pitcher

Image Credit: Jackie Dodd

Step 1: Prepare the Fruit

Thinly slice the orange and de-seed the pomegranate.

Video of the Day

Image Credit: Jackie Dodd

Step 2: Add Fruit to a Serving Pitcher

Image Credit: Jackie Dodd

Step 3: Add the Liquor and Sugar, and Chill

Add the orange liqueur, brandy (or rum), and brown sugar to the serving pitcher. Stir until well combined, cover, and refrigerate overnight. Refrigerating overnight is an important step in developing flavors, don't skip it!


Image Credit: Jackie Dodd

Step 4: Add the Sparkling Water

Add the orange sparkling water just before serving, and give it a stir.


Your drink is ready to be enjoyed by all!

Image Credit: Jackie Dodd
