DIY Mirror Defogger for Bathrooms

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Trying to get ready in the mornings when your bathroom mirror is fogged up is not fun. Sometimes, waiting for the mirror to clear is not an option either. The good news is that there is an easy-to-make mirror defogger that you can use, and you may already have the secret ingredient in your pantry. In just minutes, you can prep your mirrors so they won't fog up for up to a month, no matter how many hot showers you take!


Image Credit: Jessica Kielman

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Things You'll Need

  • Castile soap (approximately 3 - 4 tablespoons should work for a large mirror)

  • Clean dish cloth

  • Microfiber cloth

Image Credit: Jessica Kielman

Step 1: Apply Castile soap to a clean dish cloth.

Image Credit: Jessica Kielman

Step 2: Rub the Castile soap all over the bathroom mirror.

Allow the soap to sit on the mirror for 5 to 10 minutes.


Image Credit: Jessica Kielman

Step 3: Use a microfiber cloth to wipe the Castile soap away.

The Castile soap creates a layer on the mirror that steam cannot penetrate. Even though the mirror looks clear when you wipe it away, there is still a super thin layer of soap left that you can't really see left behind.


Image Credit: Jessica Kielman

The result is a nice, clean mirror that you can actually see yourself in after showering! You may need to repeat this process once per month to keep your bathroom mirrors from fogging up.


Image Credit: Jessica Kielman
