DIY Macrame Feather Wall Hanging

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Making macrame feathers is both a great introduction to the technique, as well as a quick, easy and fun craft for anyone more experienced. The feathers can be made in different sizes, as well as dyed pre or post construction. Imagine dip dyed in a natural acorn dye. Oh lovely!

These would look great in a nursery or a boho bedroom. You can hang them from a ring as I have done, or use something more natural. Forage a branch and make several feathers to hang from it.


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Image Credit: Francesca Stone
Image Credit: Francesca Stone

Things You'll Need

  • 5mm twisted cord

  • Scissors

  • Fabric glue (optional)

  • Comb

  • Hoop

Step 1: Measure the Cord

Cut one piece of 50 cm cord and fold in half.


Image Credit: Francesca Stone

Measure and cut several pieces of 20 cm cord. You can work out how many you need as you go but I like to cut around 10 to get started.


Image Credit: Francesca Stone

Step 2: Make the Knots

Fold the smaller lengths in half. Take two and place them on either side of the long cord with the fold facing inwards.


Image Credit: Francesca Stone

Take the right piece and slide it underneath the long cord to create a loop.



Image Credit: Francesca Stone

Thread the left cord under and up out of the loop then pull it over the long cord.


Image Credit: Francesca Stone

Pick up the ends of the cord on the right and thread them up through the loop made in the left hand cord.


Image Credit: Francesca Stone

Pull both ends away from each other to tighten the knot.


Image Credit: Francesca Stone

Repeat these steps in the opposite direction. Keep alternating the knots until you have around 5 cm left at the end of the centre cord.


Image Credit: Francesca Stone
Image Credit: Francesca Stone
Image Credit: Francesca Stone
Image Credit: Francesca Stone

Step 3: Shape the Feather

Unravel the ends of all the cords and using a comb, then brush them out straight.

Image Credit: Francesca Stone
Image Credit: Francesca Stone
Image Credit: Francesca Stone

Trim the ends into a long feather shape.


Image Credit: Francesca Stone

To make the feather more secure, add a drop of glue in between each of the knots.

Image Credit: Francesca Stone

Step 4: Display the Feather

To hang the feather, wrap the cord at the top around the hoop and pull the feather through the loop. Keep your comb on hand to tidy up the feather once this is done.

Image Credit: Francesca Stone
Image Credit: Francesca Stone
Image Credit: Francesca Stone
