Put this oversized floral wreath in your life, and you'll feel like you're in a Jane Austen movie. You'd almost expect a group of blushing ladies in empire dresses to be dancing around the maypole nearby. Made with a hula hoop, it's a breath of fresh air for spring.

Things You'll Need
Hula hoop
Hot glue gun
Artificial vines
Wire cutters
Floral paddle wire
Artificial flowers

Step 1: Wrap the Hula Hoop
Start with a hula hoop. They are available in many sizes, but even the smaller ones, like the 24-inch diameter hoop used in this example, makes a large wreath. Because most hula hoops have a shiny, iridescent surface, we need to cover it up with ribbon. Hot glue a ribbon at an angle to your starting point on the hula hoop, and begin wrapping the ribbon around it.
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Add a dab of hot glue every few inches as you wrap the ribbon to keep it in place. It helps to have wider ribbon so this task goes more quickly. Use ribbon that is at least an inch and a half wide. Continue around the hoop until it is completely covered by ribbon, and hot glue the end to the hoop.

Step 2: Wrap with Vines
Select artificial vines and cut off the base of the stems with wire cutters.

Position enough vines around the hula hoop to cover one third to one half of the hoop. Wrap floral paddle wire around the vines to secure them to the hula hoop. Do not cut the paddle wire yet. The great thing about paddle wire is you can keep wrapping it around the wreath without having to cut and tie end pieces together.

Step 3: Attach Accent Flowers
This wreath features accent flowers, which are smaller, and the primary flowers, which are the main attraction. First, we'll attach the smaller accent flowers. Cut the flowers, leaving about five to six inches of stem.

Position the accent flowers on top of the vines, leaving exposed vines on the sides and the middle. The vines will stay exposed on the sides, and the showcase flowers will be placed in the middle. Choose an assortment of accent flowers to give the wreath some depth, and have the two floral segments face each other rather than making them go in the same direction.

Remember that paddle wire that you didn't cut earlier? Now keep wrapping it around the flowers until they are all secured in place. When you're done, cut the wire and tie a knot around the hula hoop.

Step 4: Attach the Showcase Flowers
Balance the smaller accent flowers with larger blooms in the center. These flowers will not be wired because wiring them would turn the buds on their sides like the accent flowers. We want these big blooms to face outwards. Therefore, cut the stems completely off of these flowers with wire cutters.

Hot glue a cluster of these large flowers in the center with the blooms facing out.

Step 5: Add a Counterbalance on Opposite Side
The wreath so far looks lopsided because only half the hula hoop is covered. Instead of covering the entire hula hoop, add a small section of vines and flowers directly opposite the original floral segment. Secure it all in place with paddle wire.

Step 6: Tie a Hanging Loop
Decide where the top of the wreath will be, and tie a hanging loop with more ribbon.

The finished wreath looks gorgeous adorning a front door, but it also brightens your yard when hung on a tree or fence. It even makes a fun photo backdrop. Jane Austen would be so proud.

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