3 Easy Hacks to Thread a Needle

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Believe it or not, July 25 is actually National Thread the Needle Day. You could celebrate this day by finding a path between two opposing views or by shooting a billiard ball through a narrow pathway. You could even "thread the needle" in your yoga class. In our opinion, the best way to honor this day is to help you ramp up your sewing game by giving you three easy ways to thread a sewing needle.


Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Video of the Day

Step 1: Use Lip Balm

To create a nice, smooth tip on your thread, slide the end of the thread over the top of a tube of lip balm for a surefire way to get the thread through the eye of a needle.


Image Credit: Beth Huntington
Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Step 2: Use Hairspray

Another method for getting a nice, glossy thread end that will slide easily through the eye of a needle is to spray the tip with hairspray. Just a spritz will do the trick, and your thread will glide right through.


Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Step 3: Use the Palm of Your Hand

The most fun and innovative way to thread a needle is by using the palm of your hand. Rather than trying to poke the end of the thread through the eye, simply place the thread across the palm of your hand and run the eye of the needle back and forth over it. The thread will pop through the opening with very little effort.


Image Credit: Beth Huntington

We hope these tricks will help make threading a needle a little less stressful and will help you enjoy your hand sewing projects just a little bit more.

Happy Thread the Needle Day!
