Looking for something totally playful and original to send out this Valentine's Day? You're in luck! We've created three (free!) punny Valentine's Day printables so you can embrace quirkiness, steer clear of clichés and add plenty of humor to this year's celebrations. If that weren't enough, our printable Valentine's Day cards can be customized using colorful stickers, sweet treats and more. You're about to be the funniest funny Valentine around.
Each card is essentially a mini DIY project. Simply print out the PDF templates (linked in each craft's "Things You'll Need" section) on card stock and construct them based on our tutorials. You can make the cards as big or as small as you'd like, though we've listed scaling recommendations for standard sheets of paper. These fun and charming DIY Valentine cards are decidedly beginner-friendly, but take note: Some cards will require the use of a craft knife, which should only be used by adults. However, children can certainly lend a hand by folding paper and writing the names of loved ones!
Video of the Day
Video of the Day
The best part? By printing these free Valentine's Day cards, you'll be able to prepare as many as you need. This means you won't be stuck with extra cards, which is especially helpful for class parties or treating just a few people. Now, let's get crafting with these punny printables that would surely make Cupid smile!
Card Idea #1: Matchbook Valentines
Things You'll Need
White card stock
Bone folder (optional)
Flat candy or chocolate

How to make Matchbook Valentines:
1. Prepare template
Print the matchbook Valentine's Day card template on card stock. Cut out the design along the dotted lines.

The PDF files for our free Valentine printables are very large, measuring 18 in. by 24 in. This will allow you to make them bigger, about the size of standard greeting cards, if you wish. If you prefer to shrink them for traditional classroom Valentines, use a standard 8.5 in. by 11 in. sheet of paper and print at the scale listed on the PDF file.
Fold each piece along the dotted horizontal lines. The bottom flap should fold over the front, just like a traditional matchbook. You can use a bone folder to make the folds extra sharp.

2. Construct card
Tape a piece of flat chocolate or candy inside the card.

For a fun twist, consider a noncandy item. Charming gift ideas include erasers, mini sheets of stickers or even rolls of washi tape—we know all you crafters have extras hanging around!
Using a stapler, secure the bottom flap of the matchbook. You can also use a sticker or strip of tape.

Fill in "to" and "from" sections on the back. Your funny Valentine's Day cards are ready to be gifted!

Card Idea #2: Pop-Tart Valentines
Things You'll Need
White card stock
Black marker
Brown marker (optional)
Craft knife
Cutting mat
Glue stick
Double-sided tape

How to make Pop-Tart Valentines:
1. Prepare template
Print the template on a sheet of white card stock. Cut along the dotted lines. The layer with the sprinkles and heart will create the front of the card, while the solid-colored layer will create the bottom. The pink and purple heart layer (complete with a Pop-Tart pun) will be placed inside.

Place the front layer on a cutting mat. Using a craft knife, carefully cut out the heart along the dotted line. Alternatively, pierce a hole in the heart and cut it out with scissors.

2. Construct Pop-Tart card
Apply glue along the bottom and side edges of the solid-colored layer. Next, stick the front layer on top. This will create a sweet, sprinkled pocket—simply slip the punny card inside!

To complete your card, fill in the "to" and "from" sections. Finally, customize the heart by adding a smiley face or a sweet Valentine's Day message, like "I love you" or "Be mine."

You can also add dashes along the borders with a brown marker to mimic the fork imprints on real Pop-Tarts. To make the card easier to pull out, tape a strip of card stock to the top of the insert. This is totally optional, but it's a nice touch!
This punny project works well as a card, but it also makes for the perfect gift tag.
Card Idea #3: Sardine Tin Valentines
Things You'll Need
White card stock
Craft knife
Cutting mat
Double-sided tape
Hot glue gun
Soda tabs

How to make Sardine Tin Valentines:
1. Prepare template
Print the DIY Valentine template on a sheet of white card stock. Cut the tin pieces along the dotted lines and do the same with all four sardines. The pink heart section will make the top layer, while the solid-colored purple piece will be the bottom.

Place the top layer on a cutting mat. Using a craft knife, carve the pink portion along three sides, following the dotted lines. Note that the right side has a solid line, so avoid cutting this section. Instead, fold the pink flap outward and press along the solid line to crease.

2. Construct sardines card
Attach sardines to the purple layer with double-sided tape. Glue works just as well here.
Next, adhere the top layer, making sure to only tape down the edges. Again, you're welcome to use double-sided tape or glue for this step. This will create a "window" around the sardines.

To complete your card, attach a soda tab to the left side of the pink portion using hot glue. Tape a wrapped candy on the right side (we opted for Smarties). Your adorable handmade card is ready for gifting—and it smells much nicer than a real can of sardines!

Whether you opt to make one printable card or all three, we're wishing you a very punny Valentine's Day!