When you're tackling your typical household chores, cleaning and organizing the entire refrigerator and freezer isn't usually on the short list. If it's been a while since they've had a thorough cleaning, it can feel like a daunting task. But with our easy guide to speed-cleaning the fridge and freezer, you can knock out this chore in a snap!
1. Make an all-purpose cleaning spray
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Things You'll Need
1 cup water
1 tsp. Castile soap or dish soap
20 drops orange essential oil (optional)
Spray bottle
Plastic bins and file organizers (optional)
Pour the ingredients into the spray bottle and shake well before each use. This all-purpose spray will help lift any sticky residue and will leave your refrigerator smelling fresh and clean without the use of harsh chemicals.
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2. Remove everything
Remove all of the food and other items from your refrigerator, placing like items together on your counter. For example, put the sauces together, pickled items together, etc.

3. Spray the entire inside
Spray all of the inside surfaces of your fridge with the all-purpose cleaner and let it sit for a few minutes. The soap and orange essential oil will help lift sticky messes and make cleaning much easier.

4. Place towels on stains
Soak paper towels in a bowl of warm water and a few drops of dish liquid. Squeeze them out until they are a little wet and place them on any areas that have tough stains or sticky spots. Lift any glass panels and place the wet paper towels under them if there are stains or leaks. Let them sit for a few minutes.

5. Wipe down the inside
Remove the wet paper towels and discard them. Use a clean dish cloth or fresh paper towels to wipe the inside of your refrigerator.

6. Use a duster for debris
One of the most annoying parts of cleaning your refrigerator is all of the little bits that don't come up easily with a cleaning cloth. Use a damp duster to remove any stuck-on bits of food and debris. It will pull them up with no effort.

7. Discard spoiled or expired food
Take a few minutes to throw away any foods that are rotting or going bad. Check prepackaged foods and sauces to make sure they haven't expired. Toss any items that are past their expiration date.

8. Place food items in clear bins
Use inexpensive plastic bins to corral like items in your refrigerator. This keeps things organized so you can easily find what you need when preparing meals or packing lunches. It also helps to keep your fridge clean, since messes will be contained in the bins. To clean up a mess, simply remove the bin and then wash, rinse, and return.

9. Repeat for your freezer
To clean your freezer, simply repeat the steps you used to clean and organize your fridge. When placing items back in your freezer, use plastic bins and plastic file organizers to organize your food and make it easier to find items and keep them clean.