Boss's Day is to recognize one person, your boss. He may be strict, he may be down-to-earth--but on October 16th, he's the man of the hour. Do you get him a card? Do you get him a cake? Yes, and maybe you and your office coworkers will get together and throw him a party. In that case, you'll need some work-friendly Boss's Day party themes.
NBC's "The Office" Party
Video of the Day
Assuming your boss is like much of the United States in terms of what he watches on Thursday nights, he'd probably enjoy an Office-themed party. Of course, make sure he knows this is a joke because no one wants to be considered as annoying or embarrassing as Steve Carell's character, Michael Scott.
Video of the Day
Depending on how many coworkers you have, each person could wear a name tag representing a different Office character. There could be a sign posted over your company name that reads "Dunder Mifflin." If there is an old stapler, someone could put it in a Jell-O mold like Jim did to Dwight on the show. Give your boss a "World's Greatest Boss" mug, available on eBay, and have a cheesy party in the break room courtesy of the "party planning committee."
Tip: Have episodes of "The Office" playing in the break room if a TV and DVD player are available.
Play a Pratical Joke
Everyone called out? I'm fired?! Those probably aren't the ideal thoughts of a boss on Boss's Day, but they are great thoughts if they are part of a practical joke--one that ends with laughter and cake, of course. Make sure to tell everyone in your office, except your boss, to get to work 10 minutes late. Then, once your boss has been wondering where everyone is for a few minutes, burst through the door with balloons and cake in hand.
Or, if you can get your boss's boss involved (and even better, a security guard), have your boss get fired. Only for a few minutes. As he's packing his stuff with the security guard waiting by his side in order to escort him out of the building, gather everyone up by the exit and yell "surprise" with cake and balloons. He'll be so happy he's not fired, he'll forget to be mad at the joke!
Tip: Make sure your boss is easygoing and can handle a practical joke beforehand. Be sure to make it clear with fellow coworkers that this is a joke in your boss's honor, something he can laugh about with you afterwards. You don't want to make fun of your boss or make him feel too embarrassed, as this day is all in good fun.
Go Outside of the Office
Maybe your boss loves baseball, loves the zoo, etc. Why not bring him there on his special day? Not only is this good for your boss, but it lets everyone get a day off from work without taking a sick day! Cheap baseball tickets or tickets to the zoo are perfect, because each person can buy his or her own ticket and the cost is low. Carpool to the event or pitch in a few more dollars and hire a charter bus. Maybe your boss's boss will even let you take it out of petty cash, so the event would be free for everyone!
Who's the Boss?
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but I don't think your boss will ever expect everyone to show up to work dressed ... well, the same as him. Does he always wear a funky tie? Is her hair dyed a bright red? Try your best to be a look-a-like and even have a contest to see who is the best look-a-like. As long as it's all fun and not making fun, your boss should laugh along with you.
Find out from your boss's husband or wife what her or his favorites are: favorite food, dessert, color, movie, music, etc., and plan a party around those things. Have a potluck of his favorite foods, play her favorite movie in the background, have a dance contest to her favorite music, etc. Your boss will not only have a great time, but really appreciate your effort in getting to know what he sreally likes.