Painting clay pots can be a fun activity for all ages. Improving the look of your pot will add to the beauty of the plant inside and make it blend well with your decor. After you paint your pot you will want to spray the surface with a clear spray acrylic to protect your new design.
Acrylic Craft Paint is your best bet
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Acrylic paint comes in many colors, making it popular for this type of craft. When painting your pot with acrylic paint you want to start with the base coat and let it dry completely. Add the next coat of paint to give it a nice, clean layer. Sometimes the paint tends to soak into the clay so you will have to give it two coats.
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Exterior High-Gloss Latex, use spray form

Most of us that have painted our homes have a little extra latex paint left over. Use an exterior, high gloss paint to decorate your clay pots. Latex paint also comes in a spray form which makes it possible to give your pot several coats more quickly. Note that if you use this paint you will also want to seal the pot inside and out so that the moisture won't cause the paint to peel on the outside.
Permanent Markers for details

Permanent markers come in many colors and can be used to write on your clay pot. They can be used with stencils, free-hand, or even to outline and sharpen your design. Markers are an easy way to do very detailed work on your pots. Sealant should be applied after the project is complete.
Textured Paint for fun effects

To add effects to your clay pots, apply some textured paint. Paint comes in many textures and adds a fun new dimension to your design.
Oil Paints give uncured clay a nice look

Using oil paints can give uncured clay a nice look. Typically oil paints are not used on this type of project because of the extensive drying time, which can be up to 6 months. However if you use an oil paint, it is not recommended to use a sealant afterward. If you have time, give it a try to see how it turns out.