Deck paint and house paint vary depending on the type of deck or house surface you paint. Deck paint is an exterior paint while house paint can be an exterior or interior paint. Both deck and house paint add value and color to a house that has experienced wear.
Deck Paint
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By definition, deck paint is a “special hard-surface paint that is resistant to abrasive wear” meaning it is ideal for surfaces such as deck and porch floors that experience weathering and heavy traffic. Deck paint can hide the grain and texture of a wood deck or highlight the deck’s natural features. Other types of deck paint have weather treatment ingredients or may require special preparing or finishing in order to properly apply the paint.
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House Paint
House paint, on the other hand, can be used either on the exterior of a house or on the interior. It can be used for outside trim, siding, stucco or interior walls. The most common type of house paint is latex paint, which ranges from a non-acrylic to 100 percent acrylic base with the high acrylic base paints functioning best.
The primary difference between deck paint and house paint is the quality it possesses relating to the surface you use it on. Deck paint is formulated to avoid chipping and wearing. Wood deck paint is able to expand and contract with seasonal temperature and moisture changes.
Another quality to consider when choosing deck paint is the amount of UV exposure the paint will receive since some paints wear worse with sunlight. Exterior house paint and deck paint often have UV protection while interior house paint does not because it is not exposed to harsh outside conditions.
Important factors when choosing interior paint are abrasion humidity and resistance. Another factor would be drying speed since most indoor paint jobs require multiple coats.
There are different types of specialty house and deck paint depending on the job and the final appearance you are looking for. Elastomeric paint is an exterior house paint that works well on stucco as well as wood because it changes shape with its surface and fills cracks. Epoxy paint is a strong, chemical-resistant interior paint that works well on garage floors. Urethane is another enamel that works well and decks because it is strong and withstands scratching.
Deck and house paint generally have similar prices depending on the quality of the paint you choose. Standard exterior and interior house paints average between $25 and $40 a gallon, whereas premium paint can cost up to $100 per gallon. Deck paints start around $50 but can increase as quality increases as well.