Squash grow prolifically in home gardens, producing abundant amounts of tender vegetables. Their life cycle is similar to many plants, relying on the pollination of insects, sunlight, rich soil, water and time.
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Squash can be planted in the spring, a week after the last frost. Six seeds to a hill of dirt will help strong seedlings sprout.
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Soon after planting, the squash seeds will germinate. Small plants with seed leaves will appear. Thin the sprouts to the two strongest seedlings.
Squash spreads busily as it grows. It can cling to poles or spread across the ground. Large leaves will grow that catch the maximum amount of sunlight.
About six weeks after germination, male squash blossoms appear, followed about a week later by female blossoms. These blossoms will pollinate each other through the help of flying insects.
Once pollinated, the female blossoms begin to produce fruit. Summer squash are best picked young, while winter squash should stay on the vine until the plant dies and the squash are fully mature.
After a few frosts, the squash plant will begin to die.