NEMA is an acronym for National Electrical Manufacturers Association. This organization gives electrical component enclosures ratings -- such as NEMA 4X -- based on their protective qualities. NEMA ratings specify whether an electrical component enclosure is safe for outdoor use, and what type of environmental conditions it can withstand.
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Like electrical component enclosures with the NEMA 4 designation, enclosures with the NEMA 4X designation are safe to use indoor or outdoors.
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Electrical component enclosures with a NEMA 4X designation provide protection against falling dirt, rain, sleet, snow, windblown dust, splashing water, hose-directed water and corrosion, according to Cornerstone Automation Systems, Inc. Furthermore, external formation of ice on enclosures with a NEMA 4X designation will not cause damage.
NEMA 4 vs. NEMA 4X
The only difference between NEMA 4 and NEMA 4X enclosures is that NEMA 4X enclosures offer corrosion resistance.