The state of Texas requires vehicle inspections for most vehicles. The inspection, which analyzes a variety of features for safety, must be performed by a state authorized and licensed inspector. Most automobile service shops offer state inspections.
No Weighing Required
Registered trailers with a gross weight or registered gross weight of 4,500 pounds or less are not required to have inspections. This weight is "empty weight" and is normally indicated on the title. Otherwise, the trailer can be weighed at a certified weigh station.
Annual Inspections
Travel trailers over 4,500 lbs. receive inspection annually. You should display a current inspection sticker on a window at or near the left front side of the trailer.
What's Inspected
A travel trailer inspection differs from that of motorized vehicles. According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, trailers are inspected for brakes, tires, wheel assembly, safety guards or flaps (if there are four tires or more on the rear axle), two tail lights, two brake lights, one license plate lamp, rear red reflectors, turn signal lights, clearance lights, side marker lights, side reflectors, and a serial or vehicle identification number. By inspecting these features ahead of time and resolving any issues, owners can avoid the hassle of a failed inspection.