When to Plant Grass in Nebraska

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Planting at the right time is essential for a healthy lawn in Nebraska.
Image Credit: Bespalyi/iStock/GettyImages

When planting grass in Nebraska, be sure to seed at the right time to meet with the greatest chance of success. If you miss that window, your efforts may not be effective. If you are reseeding, however, you should not necessarily reseed at the same time you initially sow seed.


Best Time to Plant Grass Seed in Nebraska

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The best time to plant grass seed in Nebraska is the fall. Many people think that spring is the best time to plant grass, since spring planting is so common for so many plants, but in reality, fall is the ideal time when it comes to grass. This is partially due to the fact that the weather is cooler, which helps the grass seed germinate more quickly.

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You can plant grass seed in Nebraska anywhere from late summer to early fall; the specific dates will vary, depending on the growing zone you live in. The fall season has several advantages that other times of the year simply don't provide. As the outside temperature falls, the underground soil still retains some of the summer heat. There is also less competition from weeds, since they are typically dormant in the fall. If you plant grass seed in the spring, you may find that your lawn is patchy and full of weeds when it grows in.


When you plant seed, be sure to avoid mowing your lawn until the seedlings are well-established. You should refer to manufacturer instructions (typically found on the bag of seed or online) for a specific timeframe, but general rule of thumb is that four to six weeks after seeding a lawn is the right time to set out with your mower. Mowing sooner runs the risk of damaging or tearing up delicate blades of grass, as well as disturbing seeds that are still germinating. If you are planting a new lawn in the fall, fertilize it according to the results of your soil pH test each year, but not after November 15.


When to Reseed Your Lawn in Nebraska

Is early spring a good time to plant grass seed in any scenario? If you are reseeding, it is. Several lawn care tasks are best left for spring, and reseeding is one. This is because the ground is still cool and moist from the winter months, which helps the grass seed to germinate.


Once you've planted your grass seed, it's important to take care of it properly. Watering is key; water your lawn deeply and evenly, being careful not to overwater. You should also mow your lawn regularly. Again, however, do not mow your lawn right away; the same waiting period applies to reseeded lawns as to newly laid grass.


Finally, be sure to fertilize your lawn at least once a year. Choose a fertilizer based on the results of a soil pH test. If you are fertilizing a springtime-reseeded lawn, do not apply the fertilizer after June 1. Newly fertilized lawns can be a hazard to children or pets.

Tall Fescue Grass Seed and Black Beauty Grass Seed

The USDA tests all grass seed for germination and content, so the following types are all recommended for Nebraska. If you're looking for a type of grass seed that is resistant to drought and heat, tall fescue grass seed is a good option. This type of grass is also tolerant to heavy foot traffic, making it ideal for families with young children or pets.


Another option is black beauty grass seed, which is a low-maintenance variety that doesn't require a lot of watering. Black beauty grass seed is, in fact, a variety of tall fescue grass.

