Baseball parks are places where memories are made during the summers. Creating a small scale replica of your favorite stadium can be a way to keep the memories alive in a creative way. Children who enjoy both art and sports can combine both interests in this project.
Determine the Dimensions
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Step 1
Study a map of the stadium available in the program or downloaded from the team's website. Any online ticket distributor will have a stadium map as well. Determine the dimensions of the stadium and make your model to scale. One hundred feet of distance down the foul line could be equal to 1 foot of distance on the model. To create a stadium with foul lines of over 300 feet you may need to work with a base of plywood of 4.5 to 5 feet square. The model can be larger or smaller according to the desire of the one creating the replica.
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Step 2
Draw the outline of the ball park on the plywood with a pencil. First trace the exterior. Then draw the diamond in the center of the board. Cut large pieces of green cloth or felt to represent the infield and outfield grass. Cut squares out of polystyrene foam cups to make the square bases. Use white paint to paint the foul lines and the batter's box. Be sure to make the warning track by using brown colored cloth or felt to represent the dirt. The infield and the pitcher's mound should be done in brown cloth as well. You may find a round object and cut it in half to represent the pitcher's mound. This may be half a tennis ball, a frisbee or any other round object that fits your dimensions.
Step 3
Use cardboard to create the stadium walls. Fold a flap back about 2 inches and glue and staple the cardboard to the base of the stadium. Work your way around the outline of the dimensions of the park. Bend the cardboard as needed around corners to enclose the outside of the building. Entrances can be cut with a razor knife. First draw the entrances onto the outside of the building and then use the razor to create the opening.
Step 4
Create other details, such as scoreboards, dugouts, box seat sections and advertising billboards, out of cardboard and cardboard boxes. A shoe box upside down makes a great section of seats. Fold index cards in half and glue them to the top of the box to simulate the seating in that section. The amount of realism you desire is totally up to you in terms of the time and energy you wish to spend on your stadium.