Things You'll Need
Round oatmeal box with lid
Clear tape
Aluminum foil
Silver duct tape
Black marker
1/2-inch sticker dots
Square cracker box (optional)
Round gallon-sized plastic jar
Craft paints
Round sponge paintbrushes
Paper plates
Clear spray paint (optional)

Make a gumball machine to hold valentines instead of gum. Create a valentine holder that is your own creative design, even if others use the same basic idea. Choose a container that you can transform into a realistic-looking gumball machine. With a recycled container and a few craft materials you may have around the house, you can create your own one-of-a-kind gumball machine valentine holder for your school celebration or a special Valentine's Day party.
Round Box Gumball Machine
Step 1
Wrap a piece of construction paper around a round oatmeal box. Tape the seam to hold. Use more than one piece of construction paper if one piece doesn't cover the outside of the box completely. Place tape at each seam and in two or three places along the top and bottom of the box.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Lay the round lid in the center of a piece of 12-inch by 12-inch aluminum foil. Mark a circle on the foil about 2 inches out from the round lid. Cut out the foil circle and form it over the lid. Tuck all edges inside the lid.
Step 3
Cut a slot in the lid for friends to put valentines through. Mark a 1/2 inch by 4 inch rectangle in the center of the lid. Cut through the foil and lid with sharp scissors. Place the lid on the container.
Step 4
Tear or cut a 3-inch piece of duct tape. Place the tape about 3 inches up from the bottom edge of the covered oatmeal container. Use a black marker to draw a coin slot on the duct tape.
Step 5
Press different colors of sticker dots on the container. Begin at the bottom edge and work around the container and upward, covering the construction paper as fully as possible. Overlap some of the dots, if you wish. Fill the paper to at least half full, depending on how many sticker dots you wish to use.
No-Cut Gumball Machine Container
Step 1
Let children create a gumball machine valentine holder from a gallon plastic jar. Have them paint a coin slot about 3 inches up from the bottom edge of the jar.
Step 2
Spread a thin layer of brightly-colored paint onto paper plates. Have the children dip the round sponge brushes into the paints and press the brushes against the jar. Encourage them to put lots of "gumball" circles on their jars.
Step 3
After the paint dries, spray a light coating of clear spray over the jars to keep the paint from rubbing off.
Step 4
Place the lids on the jars to send the craft and valentines home with the children, if desired.
Make a keepsake Valentine holder with adhesive-backed plastic shelf covering rather than construction paper. Cover a box and cut and gumball-sized circles from the self-adhesive plastic to stick onto the outside of the box. Substitute a saltine cracker box for a round oatmeal one. Make the Valentine holder as in Section #1. However, cut off the lid flaps and leave the container open.
Video of the Day